Friday, May 21, 2010

What is the formula in getting the middle numbers in a set of numbers in microsoft excel?

FOR EXAMPLE THIS NUMBER. 020023. How do I get the middle numbers using microsoft excel?

What is the formula in getting the middle numbers in a set of numbers in microsoft excel?
What do you meen by middle numbers?

If you want to get the 00 from 020023, then use MID function like this

=MID( A1, 3,2)

assuming you want to get the middle text, starting from the 3rd charactor and for 2 charactors long

There are other several ways to do it, but i don't understand what is exaactly what you want

Enjoy my profile, I am the VBAXLMan
Reply:One way is to use the TEXT function, to convert the numbers to text, the use the MID to extract from the middle.

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