Sunday, August 2, 2009

How can I count the vowels of a word in a cell in Microsoft Excel?

Follow-up Question. What is the formula so that all the letters in Microsoft Excel are in all caps?

How can I count the vowels of a word in a cell in Microsoft Excel?
About Q1

Use this formula to count the number of a letter in a cell

=LEN( B5)-LEN( SUBSTITUTE( B5, "e",""))

This will search for the letter "e", so you may have somthing like this

=LEN( B5)-LEN( SUBSTITUTE( B5, "e",""))+ =LEN( B5)-LEN( SUBSTITUTE( B5, "a","")) + =LEN( B5)-LEN( SUBSTITUTE( B5, "i",""))

and so on

About Q2

use the function UPPER, like this


Thats it

Trust me, I am the VBAXLMan
Reply:'write this function

Function IsVowel(letter As String) As Boolean

vowelList = "aeiou"

IsVowel = False

If InStr(vowelList, LCase(letter)) %26gt; 0 Then IsVowel = True

End Function

'then to count the vowels

word = Sheet1.Cells(1, 1) ' or whatever cell you need

nr = 0

For i = 1 To Len(word)

If IsVowel(Mid(word, i, 1)) Then nr = nr + 1


MsgBox "Number of vowels: " + Str(nr)

' write letters in caps

Sheet1.Cells(1, 1) = UCase(Sheet1.Cells(1, 1))

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