Friday, July 31, 2009

Can I get Microsoft Office onto my computer from another computer?

I have a laptop that came with Microsoft Office already installed on it, but I need it on my desktop. Is there a way to get it from my laptop to my desktop?

Can I get Microsoft Office onto my computer from another computer?
If you mean copy files from one computer to another, you can't. Not effectively, that is. Beyond the obvious files, there are many obscure ones, as well as settings in a big file called the Registry.

Installation is the only way to get Office successfully installed on any machine.
Reply:NO. You can do one of two things:

Buy Office (a LEGAL copy) and install it on your desktop OR

go to:

And download that for free. It's compatible with Windows and it recognizes %26amp; reads Office docs and files that you may already have.
Reply:I might be wrong but when our computer went down we had to borrow a microsoft office cd from a relative to get a code of some sort, and it still wouldn't work cause you can only download it onto one computer or something. So we ended up having to rebuy it cause we didn't know the codes to ours, but don't quote me i might be wrong.

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