Friday, July 31, 2009

How can I stop microsoft word from requesting a virus check every time I open a file on my pc?

These are internal files that I have created myself - they have never been online or exposed to potentially virus infecting environments - there should be no requirement to scan them and it slows my system down significantly. happens with all Microsoft office files - pain in the backside.

How can I stop microsoft word from requesting a virus check every time I open a file on my pc?
Check the settings and preferences of ur antivirus software u hv installed on ur computer. It is antivirus software which is prompting u and not ms word.
Reply:Microsoft office has no virus check that I know of. It warns that macros may potentially contain viruses but does not scan for them. Guess you need to check the settings of whatever antivirus you have.
Reply:Open Word%26gt; Tools%26gt; Option%26gt; Security%26gt; Micro Security%26gt; ClickOpen%26gt; Security Level.

Reply:It is not Microsoft Word that is requesting the virus check. Your machine is running some kind of on-access scanner. It automatically scans all infectable files as they are accessed. Word documents are infectable (by macro viruses), and Word accesses them when it tries to open them - so, the on-access scanner scans them.

If your anti-virus software is any good, it should allow you to exclude from scanning the files that reside in directories specified by you - you can use this feature to prevent it from scanning the large files that seem to be the source of your trouble. If you are not familiar with the anti-virus software you're using, it is best to consult your system administrator.

OTOH, while on-access scanners often cause slow-downs when scanning large files, there is absolutely no reason why a good scanner should slow down when scanning Microsoft Word documents. It is possible to determine very quickly if they are infected or not - without the need to scan the whole file. If this is an option for you, consider switching to a better anti-virus product. In any case, this is a better solution than disabling the scanning for particular files or directories, since the latter lowers the security of your machine - just because these files are clean now does not mean that they might not become infected in the future.
Reply:Ooo, I hate that virus check, hate it! Makes it SO to bring up an internal file. But two different full-time professional software engineers have told me that you can't turn off virus check without putting yourself in danger, that's all there is to it. At least if you're connected to the internet. But if you're offline, with the modem turned off or disconnected, no problem, turn it off and you can go a lot faster. Hope this helps. (I can't tell you just how to turn your virus scan off though because it depends...)

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