Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How can I play a song continuously throughout a powerpoint presentation using Microsoft 2007?

I'm trying to play a song through a powerpoint using the newest version of Microsoft. I have Windows Vista, if that means anything.

How can I play a song continuously throughout a powerpoint presentation using Microsoft 2007?
Hi there, I have PowerPoint 2007. So here are the steps. Click on the Insert tab. Select the Sound icon (very last icon). Assuming you have the sound file saved to a file - select Sound from file (if not select the option you need). A pop-up box will appear that will ask you how you want the sound to start - select automatically (unless you want to click on the sound icon then select When Clicked).

Now it is set up to play just on this one slide, you need to change this to play through the presentation. Click on the sound icon (the little horn) and select Animations. Select Custom Animation on the left hand side. A menu will appear on the right hand side. Click on the little down arrow that appears beside the file name in this menu. Click on Effect. Another pop up appears. See where it says "Stop Playing" and then gives you three choices? Click on the button that says After ____ slides and put the number of your last slide in this field. (Eg. after 12 slides). Now if you want the song to repeat when it's finished playing, select the next tab (in the same pop-up box) that says "Timing". Click on the down arrow beside "Repeat" and select "Until End of Slide".

If you don't want the little horn icon to appear in the presentation select the tab that says Sound Settings. Select "Hide sound icon during slide show". Click OK and you are done.


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